Troubleshooting and collecting information when MID Server goes down after upgrade SummaryIn the normal MID Server upgrade process, the MID Server goes down to replace old files with new ones. Once it has the new files, it goes back up. If the upgrade failed to replace the old files with new ones, the MID Server stays down. Troubleshooting Linux MID Server If the MID Server is installed as a daemon under systemd, make sure that the service is installed with proper kill mode. For more information, see Linux MID server auto-upgrade can fail even on Tanuki wrapper version 3.5.36 if MID service is not reinstalled - similar symptoms with PRB1312206 [KB0821436]. Windows MID Server The following anti-viruses can block the MID Server upgrade: Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)Dell SecureWorks Red CloakMcAfee If you are working on any cases in which a Windows MID Server is "Down" after an upgrade, check the running services on the MID Server host machine. If CiscoAMP is running on the MID Server host machine you can refer to MID Server upgrade fails leaving MID Server Down, due to Cisco AMP antivirus preventing the upgrade service deleting the Wrapper executable [KB0827747].If Dell SecureWorks Red Cloak or McAfee or any other anti-viruses were running on the MID Server host machine, collect the following information: glide-dist-upgrade.log under logs folder under temp folderWindows VersionAnti-virus versionMID Server config.xmlThe MID Server path on the host machine. (MID Server agent folder path)Anti-virus installation PathAnti-virus settings, If there is any Inclusion list or exclusion setup on the anti-virus