The values in the "Selected" column of the Slushbucket are not saved - Database Views are not supported for use with List CollectorsDescriptionValues are not saved in a Catalog Item List collector variable based on a Database View. The behavior is that although the "Display" value is listed in the "Available" column, when the User moves any value across to the "Selected" column, nothing is saved after clicking Save or Update. The replication steps are as follows: 1) Go to "Maintain Items"2) Click on "New"3) Fill in the "Name" field, click submit4) Open the new record created5) Scroll down to the Variables related list6) Click on "New"7) Change "Type" to "List Collector"8) Click on "Type Specifications" related list9) Populate "List table" with a database view (ex: assoc_roles)10) Click on "Question"11) Fill in the mandatory fields (Question, Name)12) Click on submit13) Go back to the catalog item opened from earlier14) Click on "Try It"15) The values are displayed as expected in the left of the Slushbucket16) Move a selection of the values to the right hand side of the Slushbucket (available to selected)17) Click Save18) The "selected" values are not saved InstructionsAt present Database Views are not supported for List Collectors. The reason is that Database Views don't have a "Display" Value which is a pre-requisite for List Collectors.