Percentage Calculations (percentage complete ) not working correctly when milestones are included.Issue The percentage complete is showing as 99% but there are project tasks open which are milestones.CauseExpected behavior.ResolutionFor milestones we have 2 cases:Case 1: When the project contains all milestones then the project %complete will be 100% ONLY if all the milestones are 100% complete.Case 2: When a project has milestones and regular tasks project %complete = 100% ONLY when all the milestones & regular tasks are 100% complete.Below is the formula used to calculate Percent complete.Project percentage complete = (Worked Duration / Total Duration)*100Worked duration = Task duration * (Task %complete/100)Find a detailed explanation in the below community post:Project Percentage CalculationExample calculation :1 Ptask -> 1 day -> closed -> 100%Calculation: Percent Complete of Project = (Total Worked Duration / Total Duration)*100 ==> ( 1/2)*100 => 50% on the project (when only this task is closed)Now we also have:2 Ptask -> 1 Day -> closed -> 100%3 ptask -> 0 seconds -> 0%3.1-> 0 -> Closed -> 1003.2-> 0Now the percent complete is 99Expected behavior. If the percentage complete is coming out to be 100% and milestones tasks are not completed then the Percent complete is made to be 99%.