Grouped answers are all displayed as individual buttonsDescriptionWhen you have a group of possible answer (e.g. the 1-5 ratings for very unhappy through very happy), each of the options is displayed as an individual button, instead of being grouped in a set of radio buttons. Steps to Reproduce 1. Start NVDA and open the Speech Viewer.2. Navigate to portal with a user having a survey to take containing a 1-5 or 1-10 scale.3. Get to the question with a scale. Note that the answers are not part of a single group.4. Move focus to the first answer. Note that the user is not notified of the number or how many items are in the list. Also, since tabbing is required for navigating between the options, it will make the user tab through the remaining options after selecting one.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1450893