Flow Designer 'Wait for condition' produces an error after approval and conditions are met for denied access to table sn_hr_core_case_relationsDescriptionFlow Designer 'Wait for condition' may produce the error below after approval and condition are met: Error Flow Designer: Operation(Wait For Condition Monitor Handler Block.Wait For Condition Monitor Record Matches) failed with error: com.snc.process_flow.exception.OpException: Scope does not have read access to table sn_hr_core_case_relationsSteps to Reproduce 1. Activate the plugin HR core (Id: com.snc.hr.core).2. Import the attached update set.3. Create a record in sn_hr_core_case_relations. This will invoke the workflow and create approval.4. Approve and wait for the flow to execute the Wait for condition.The error occurs intermittently:Error Flow Designer: Operation(Wait For Condition Monitor Handler Block.Wait For Condition Monitor Record Matches) failed with error: com.snc.process_flow.exception.OpException: Scope does not have read access to table sn_hr_core_case_relationsat com.snc.process_flow.operation.GlideUtilities.hasRightsToTable(GlideUtilities.java:97)at com.snc.process_flow.operation.GlideUtilities.checkOperationPermitted(GlideUtilities.java:73)at com.snc.process_flow.operation.LookupRecordsOperation.run(LookupRecordsOperation.java:58)at com.snc.process_flow.engine.Operation.execute(Operation.java:107)WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround and is currently under review. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1432183