Flow Designer Create Task results in error: The requested flow operation was prohibited by security rulesDescriptionFlow Designer Create Task results in error: The requested flow operation was prohibited by security rules. The user has the correct permissions to create the task.CauseThe user needs permission to run the flow. If you want to create a sc_task record you need to ensure the flow runs with roles itil and catalog_admin. But even with these roles it sometimes doesn't work. In that case check if the catalog item you use has catalog variables. If that's the case then you need to add additional permissions. The error you will see in this case is: Flow Designer: Operationxxx.Create Catalog Task) failed with error: com.snc.process_flow.exception.OpException: The requested flow operation was prohibited by security rules.at com.snc.process_flow.operation.SetCatalogVariablesOperationBase.addVariableToTask(SetCatalogVariablesOperationBase.java:47)at com.snc.process_flow.operation.SetCatalogVariablesOperationBase.setCatalogVariables(SetCatalogVariablesOperationBase.java:37) Notice the addVariableToTask reference.ResolutionFor this to work you need write access on the table sc_item_variables_task. There currently is no ACL to do this so unless you're an admin the user will see that error. If you create an ACL for catalog_admin and give write access to sc_item_variables_task the error will not happen.