Impersonation Logs Polluted by @MentionsIssue If you experience log entries indicating user impersonating other users, the start/end of the impersonation is usually just a second or two, and the user impersonating does not have the necessary role to do impersonation. Along with regular event logs, this can show up in 'Security Dashboard Events Logs' if the instance is using the Instance Security Center Portal.ReleaseAll ReleasesCauseThis is caused by the at mentions functionality, where when the user starts to type in '@<user_name>, the functionality "cannot see record" gets display. By default the system property that turns this on "glide.ui.mentions.check_record_visibility" is set to true. Steps to Reproduce: Set the property "glide.ui.mentions.check_record_visibility" to true.Go to the incident table and open any recordType @<any_user_id> in the work_notes field.The system will show the user's name along with "Cannot see record" for qualified user records.The downside of this property is, it will enable extra impersonation event logs in the "sysevent" table which can be confusing because it also brings up usernames of users who do not have impersonation rights.Now to rectify this issue, if you deactivate the property "glide.ui.mentions.check_record_visibility", you lose the feature where the system tells if the user can see that particular record or not with the message "Cannot see record".ResolutionTo eliminate some of the noise that is created when these impersonation events are generated. You can set the following system property to false:'glide.ui.mentions.check_record_visibility_log_events'If you do not see the property in your instance, by default the value is set to true. In this case, you will have to create and add the property and set the value to false.This will eliminate the extra impersonation logs that are generated by the at mentions functionality, but will allow to keep the check record functionality without having to turn it off.