Project numbers showing large number gaps and are not in sequential orderIssue Although duplicate numbers are rare, numbering does not enforce uniqueness, by default. Apart from manually Enforcing unique numbering, there is never a specific tell as to why number sequencing breaks.ReleaseAnyCauseWhile there are numerous reasons for incorrect numbering such as deleted records, imported projects (from other instances or Microsoft project) or manual edits to the Number field, the individual number counter. The number counter can be reset or edited. If you feel that may be the case, while the number counter is not an audited table, if someone did edit this counter, they will show up in the sys_updated_by in the XML.ResolutionTo get to the counter, navigate to Number MaintenanceFilter for Prefix = PRJOpen the Number Maintenance recordThere is a link on the form for 'Show Counter'Right-click in the grey header and select 'Show XML' *While there is no way to reset numbering, you can prepare for the future using methods found in our number maintenance documentation.