Category names are not visible in NOW Mobile appIssue Category names are not visible in NOW mobile app.Resolution1. Ensure the following two scripts are active and they are not customized:Name: v_st_sc_category / One active Remote Table per table/ Go to the 'mesp' portal: / and ensure the right Catalog is listed under the Catalogs TAB. Or, go to System Mobile >> Now Mobile App >>Catalogs and ensure the right Catalogs are listed. 3. Ensure the Categories are active and they have at least one Catalog Item active. 4. Check the Availability of the catalog item. It can be "Desktop and Classic Mobile" or "Desktop."5. Ensure the categories do not have empty Title. 6. Go to Service Catalog >> Catalog Administration >> Properties >> Mobile Review the value in "Catalog item classes not available in NOW Mobile (comma separated list)" The default value is: sc_cat_item_content,std_change_record_producerReview your Catalog Item classes are not listed there, otherwise make changes. Also review "Include 'Desktop only' Items in NOW Mobile" is set to true if that is the case. 7. Re-login to NOW. NOTE: The Categories displayed in NOW Mobiel are the ones listed in the "v_st_sc_category" table, per the Data Item: Catalog First Level Categories/