PA - Spotlight job is not getting triggered when manually clicking on 'Excute Now' optionIssue When you are trying to execute manually the PA - Spotlight job by using 'Execute Now' option, it doesn't gets triggered and no entry under PA Job logs.ReleaseParis Patch 2Cause-- Hop onto the instance. -- Navigate to PA Spotlight --> PA - Spotlight Groups -- Open the affected group record.-- Click on 'Execute Now' on the instance.-- You will notice the spotlight respective job doesn't get triggered and no entry under 'PA Spotlight Job logs'Resolution-- Go to sys_trigger.LIST -- Search with the affected record name under triggers list. -- The 'Document key' value will be empty for that particular affected record. -- Please add the respective sys_id of the affected record under the 'Document Key' value and save the record. -- Now, follow the same steps as to execute the job manually by clicking on 'Execute Now' and it will be triggering as expected.