Qualys host detection Integration for Security Operations failingDescriptionQualysHost detection failing with below exceptions 1.Attempting retry with process VINTPRC0001492. Error: Invalid XML response body received from Qualys. Encountered process error running the integration. 2.Job exceeded processing time and was forced to complete status. CauseException "VINTPRC0001939 TypeError: Cannot convert null to an object." because of attachment size limitation "com.glide.attachment.max_size" 2020-12-11 01:36:44 (671) worker.5 worker.5 txid=73f01e411bcd WARNING *** WARNING *** Attempt to get cipher for encryption context 'null' without authorization2020-12-11 01:36:47 (248) worker.5 worker.5 txid=73f01e411bcd Background message, type:info, message: Attachment size exceeds the limit of 100MB, configured by com.glide.attachment.max_size.2020-12-11 01:36:47 (248) worker.5 worker.5 txid=73f01e411bcd SEVERE *** ERROR *** sys_attachment: Qualys Host Detection Integration_2020-12-11 09:30:59.xml : Attachment size exceeds the limit of 100MB, configured by com.glide.attachment.max_size.2020-12-11 01:36:47 (276) worker.5 worker.5 txid=73f01e411bcd SEVERE *** ERROR *** sn_vul (VulnerabilityIntegrationController): Caught error while validating data, integration process VINTPRC0001939 TypeError: Cannot convert null to an object.ResolutionInorder to overcome the below exception increase the property value "com.glide.attachment.max_size" to it's max value. 1.Attempting retry with process VINTPRC0001492. Error: Invalid XML response body received from Qualys. Encountered process error running the integration. The reason for the below exception is, we time out the processing with the below exception if XML processing is taking more time. In order to overcome this, we need to update the truncation_limit which is in sn_sec_int_impl_config from 500 to less value like 300. https://instancename.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sn_sec_int_impl_config.do?sys_id=3b8b9ffa1b58e4105fed639b274bcbd6 Job exceeded processing time and was forced to complete status.