How to drop the Service Mapping Nodes consumption to ZERO ?Issue How to drop the Service Mapping Nodes consumption to ZERO ?ReleaseAllResolutionFrom the description, it can be inferred that the requirement is to stop using Service Mapping and there by see that there is no traffic on the nodes with respect to the same.Scheduled jobs are basically the ones which will be creating traffic on the nodes during their execution, which can be observed from the "sysauto" table.Disabling them ideally should serve the purpose.But, since Service Mapping and Event Management modules are interrelated, there are a lot of common jobs between these two.By disabling the jobs, manually they cannot be used both for Service Mapping and Event Management.To avoid this, we would recommend you to create a new property in the sys_properties table as below Name: "glide.service_mapping.recomputation.job_count" Type : Integer Value : "0"This will help you to bring down the consumption to 0. Related LinksFor questions like, "What happens when any organization does not renew "Service Mapping Node license", will it stop working automatically on the last day or Node licenses will remain consumed and ServiceNow would be forced to request the organization to absorb the License cost which are being used?", request the customers to reach out to their respective Account Managers, who can help them in addressing the same.