Discovery Schedule Page: Discovery status chart date not showing by user selected timezone. issue is showing always UTC datatime.Descriptionissue is related to the graph shown in Discovery -> Home -> Schedule From "Last 10 runs" graph, the date shown a day before. For example graph shown date 5-Nov but the discovery status date was 6-Nov. Discovery status: Steps to Reproduce Prerequest:Select the anytime zone except US timezone.1. Navigation > Discovery2. Click on schedules card from disocvery home page3. discovery schedule -> select cloud resource card -> discovery status chart4.Check that date are showing based on user selected timezone date.Workaround1. Navigate to System Definition > Script includes from filter navigator2. Search script includes name "DiscoveryScheduleManager" from the table list view and open this record.4. Search method name => getDiscoveryStatus and find the below line,discoveryStatus.push ({5. Find the below lines and Replace it(i.e. replace "getValue" to "getDisplayValue")Before modified:started: statusGr.getValue('sys_created_on'),ended: statusGr.getValue('sys_updated_on'),After modified:started: statusGr.getDisplayValue('sys_created_on'),ended: statusGr.getDisplayValue('sys_updated_on'),6. Just check that modified code look like as below,discoveryStatus.push ({sysId : statusGr.getValue('sys_id'),name: statusGr.getValue('number'),state: statusGr.getValue('state'),started: statusGr.getDisplayValue('sys_created_on'),ended: statusGr.getDisplayValue('sys_updated_on'),card1: card1,card2: card2,card3: card3,card4: card4,errors: this.getAllErrorsForStatus(statusGr.getValue('sys_id'))}); 7. Save the record. 8. Similarly, search and open Script Include DiscoveryResultManager 9. Search for function: getInProgressDiscoveries around line 46 Inside this function, it has below line around line 63createdOn: statusGr.sys_created_on +'', change it to: createdOn: statusGr.getDisplayValue('sys_created_on')+'', 10. In same script include, search for function: getResultsForSchedule around line 527 Inside this function, it has below lines around line 566 started: resultGr.getValue('sys_created_on'), startedDate: resultGr.started.getValue() +'', ended: resultGr.getValue('sys_updated_on'), change these to: started: resultGr.getDisplayValue('sys_created_on'), startedDate: resultGr.getDisplayValue('started') +'', ended: resultGr.getDisplayValue('sys_updated_on'), Related Problem: PRB1447917