Transaction cancellations with sailpoint integrationSummarySailpoint runs aggregation jobs during which it sends inbound REST calls to Servicenow. During this process, the transaction gets cancelled andbelow exception is observed in the application logs : 2020-11-19 04:06:19 (858) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 #2376271 /api/now/table/sys_audit_delete Parameters -------------------------2020-11-19 04:06:19 (859) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 *** Start #2376271 /api/now/table/sys_audit_delete, user: sailpoint_user2020-11-19 04:07:20 (781) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 WARNING *** WARNING *** Long Transaction started at 11/19/20 04:06:19.840, Memory at start was 830, Memory is 597, SQL count is 12, BR count is now 0.2020-11-19 04:07:20 (781) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 WARNING *** WARNING *** Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time exceeded2020-11-19 04:07:20 (783) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 WARNING *** WARNING *** Connections active at session disconnect are being released2020-11-19 04:07:20 (783) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 WARNING *** WARNING *** Validating and freeing unreleased connection 82020-11-19 04:07:20 (783) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 isValid(): entered for connection 8 (connpid=2180306)2020-11-19 04:07:20 (784) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 isValid(): Connection 8 is valid (connpid=2180306)2020-11-19 04:07:20 (785) API_INT-thread-4 0870658A1B68605097DFFD98CC4BCBB9 txid=499169021ba8 SEVERE *** ERROR *** com.glide.sys.TransactionCancelledException: Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time com.glide.sys.TransactionCancelledException: Transaction cancelled: maximum execution time exceededat com.glide.processors.AProcessor.runProcessor( com.glide.processors.AProcessor.processTransaction( com.glide.processors.ProcessorRegistry.process0( com.glide.processors.ProcessorRegistry.process( This exception is observed for the below reason: With the latest releases in Sailpoint application, Sailpoint has introduced querying of sys_audit_delete table in Servicenow. As this table contains huge number of records, the overall transaction time is increased beyond 60 seconds. This will cancel the transaction due to the Transaction quota rules for the inbound REST API calls which are 60 seconds by default, out of the box. If you see the inbound rest call during the Sailpoint integrations on sys_audit_delete table, please request the customer to contact the Sailpoint support team using the contact details provided for the application provided in the store.