Partner Access to Now Support The Now Support portal is your launchpad for resources to self-solve, get help from technical support, and manage ServiceNow instances. Download the Now Support mobile app to access support services anytime, anywhere. Customers can provide Partners access to their service and support experience so that can assist with tasks such as product implementation, application development and integrations, differentiation of services, case management, instance management, and user administration. How do Consulting and Implementation Partners get access to Now Support? Now Support access is based on the Customer Account and the instances associated with this Account. Partners that consult and implement solutions within the Customer’s ServiceNow instances will request access through the Customer. Customers must give the Partner explicit consent to have access in Now Support and to open cases on their behalf. There are Partner-related roles that can be provided to Partners by the Customer. To get access from your Customer into Now Support, please perform the following steps: In the Partner Portal, enter the Deployment Registration for the Customer Implementation that you are supporting. The proper Customer Account and scope of work should be accurately captured. Request access from the Customer Admin who can provide the Partner with Now Support Access with the appropriate Partner role. Why should Partners have access in Now Support? Partners should be provided access in Now Support to potentially handle a number of activities on behalf of the Customer they are supporting. Some of these potential activities are: Opening cases to report a system defect. It is important that whoever is actively engaged in resolving the defect open the case and stay engaged with support directly for a quicker outcome to the issue. Searching KnowledgeBase for solutions to situations, known problems and workarounds. Partners will have access to search all KB articles to self-solve on common issues and how they were resolved by support. Visibility to Changes in the instances. Partners will have visibility into upcoming Patching and Maintenance in the instance. With this visibility, they can ensure their development does not conflict with other activities planned within the instance.Activate Plugins or initiate Store Requests. If Partners are given a particular Partner role, they can activate plugins on behalf of the customer or submit requests in the Store. Partners will work in conjunction with approvals from their Customer before proceeding. Now Support resources for Partners Below are some useful resources about Now Support. Click to learn more about each: Managing Now Support user roles and contacts Roles and Responsibilities of Customer Administrators on Now SupportCreate and manage Now Support usersIdentify your customer administratorManage, review, and update company contacts Managing customer instances Activate plugins and submit a request in the Automation StoreUpgrade easily with resources on the Customer Success CenterFrequently asked questions about self-hosted instances Managing cases and changes View and manage issuesWorking with ServiceNow Technical SupportSupport for United States Government customers Extend your knowledge Visit the Help CenterSearch the Knowledge BaseSubscribe to the Known Error portalVisit the partner portalSubscribe to the partner newsletter Help us improve our product, tools, and services Search, vote on, and submit new product enhancement requests through the Idea Portal on Now CommunityJoin the Now Support Customer Advisory Board to influence your support experience If you or your customers are having access issues, please visit the ServiceNow ID for Now Support FAQ. How do you rate your Now Support digital experience? Submit feedback to the Now Support team by scrolling to the bottom of this page. Rate your experience and send us a message with how we can do better.