"Knowledge" word in Virtual Agent Contextual search topic blockIssue In Orlando and on, users will see the word "knowledge" on the Contextual search result list. ReleaseOrlando and on.CauseThis is expected. This is not a defect from the application it is actually an enhancement to show different context labels for each result added from Orlando.ResolutionHere are the changes the customer needs to make to disable the 'knowledge' keyword labelOrlando:Contextual Search -i. Open Virtual agent > Designer > Contextual Search, Duplicate the Topic Blockii. Click 'Edit Topic Flow'iii. Click on 'Display multi-link' node, In the Response properties open 'Link List Value Expression'iv. In the script window, Replace"groupedLinksOutMsg.addLinkPart(link.label, link.link, link.description, link.context_label);"With"groupedLinksOutMsg.addLinkPart(link.label, link.link, link.description, '');"v. Click on saveParis:Contextual Search -i. Open Virtual agent > Designer > Contextual Search, Duplicate the Topic Blockii. Click on 'Flow' tabiii. Click on 'Display multi-link' node, In the Response properties open 'Link List Value Expression'iv. In the script window, Replace existing script with(function execute(header) { var variables = { limit: vaVars.limit, index: vaVars.index, search_result_json_string: vaVars.search_result_json_string, portal: vaInputs.portal } //var contextualSearch = new global.VAGlobalContextualSearchUtilCopy(); //var groupedLinksOutMsg = contextualSearch.getLinks(header, variables); var groupedLinksOutMsg = new sn_cs.GroupedPartsOutMsg(); groupedLinksOutMsg.setHeader(header); var limit = parseInt(variables.limit); var searchJsonObj = JSON.parse(variables.search_result_json_string); var index = parseInt(variables.index); var portal = variables.portal; var linkBuilder = new global.cxs_SearchResultLinkBuilder(); for (var i = index; i < index + limit && i < searchJsonObj.length; i++) { var link = linkBuilder.build(searchJsonObj[i], portal); if (link && link.link) { var contextText = link.context_label; groupedLinksOutMsg.addLinkPart(link.label, link.link, link.description, ''); } else index++; } return groupedLinksOutMsg;})(header)v. Click on save On testing, you can see that the "knowledge" label is removed. Customers can use this duplicated topic block as required