"Your text query contained only common words or ambiguous wildcards" message when searching for a specific word in the Platform UI, or no records are displayed in Service PortalIssue When searching for a specific word, no records are displayed. If the search is executed from the Platform UI, the following message is displayed: "Your text query contained only common words or ambiguous wildcards, please refine your search and try again" From Service Portal, no records are displayed, but previous message is not displayed. CauseTwo possibles causes:1. The specific word is listed as Stop Word.2. The "glide.ts.max_wildcard_expansion" system property value should be increased. ResolutionFor Option 1:1.1. Review the word is not a "Stop Word" in the following tables: /ts_stop_list.do/ts_index_stop_list.do 1.2. If the word is listed in any of this tables, edit the record and change the "Stop mode" field value to "Not a stop word." For Option 2: Increase the value for the "glide.ts.max_wildcard_expansion" system property. The default value is 500. 2.1. Go to https:[my_instance].service-now.com/ts_word_list.do2.2. Search by the word, if the records are more than 500, then the word will act as "Stop Word" even when it is not listed in the tables mentioned in Option 1. Review KB0745116 for more information.