PDF export of Dashboard shows only few rows instead of full reportSummaryThe issue is due to the Widget on the Dashboard. There are limitations to dashboard pdf export, one of them being the Widgets are exported to a fixed height, causing large widgets, such as workbench or list widgets, to be truncated. The usual workaround is to export the list or report directly. Ref.: Export a homepage or non-responsive dashboard to PDF.Related LinksIt is possible to explore reporting using Vivid Charts, an app on the ServiceNow Store that you can trial in your non-production instance to validate whether it can meet your requirements (Customers can also reach out to VividCharts Support directly with questions to support@vividcharts.com).https://store.servicenow.com/sn_appstore_store.do#!/store/application/3772bcfc0f2303002c348f8ce1050edf