Cloud User Portal not accessible for users with snc_external roleIssue Customers may need to have Cloud User Portal available for users specified in the customer_contact table. Unfortunately, it has been observed sometimes that they cannot properly redirect users to the cloud_portal, even if those users have bee n granted the sn_cmp.cloud_service_user . This seems to come from the snc_external role. Cloud User Portal Status with no Wedges: Steps to reproduce:1. impersonate the user in question.2. Connect to /cloud_portal through url (/cloud_portal)3. Notice the top navigation interface is available (we can choose, "stack", "catalog", etc.) but no widgets are available.CauseWhile checking this please go through the below docs,External roles in self-registration"External users that self-register must be assigned the snc_external role, which has the least privileges. The snc_external role indicates that the user is external to your organization and should not have any access to resources unless explicitly allowed through ACLs for the snc_external role or additional roles that inherit the snc_external role."Cloud User Portal doesn't mention rolesAssign roles to AWS users of Cloud Provisioning and Governance Cloud user:-[sn_cmp.cloud_service_user]Requests and manages stacks and resources. Cloud User PortalWhen you assign the role to a group, all members of the group share quota limitations and ownership of certain as long as snc_external role users also have sn_cmp.cloud_service_user but unfortunately this isn't the case. user "xxxx" has both of those role but when accessing the cloud user portal, only the top banner shows up. There are no widgets that appear.ResolutionFollowing are the cloud portal widgets used in the "cloud_portal" homepage which needs to be updated with the cloud role field. The 'Roles' field in each of these widgets should contain the role 'sn_cmp.cloud_service_user'.1. Go to each of the following widgets in the temp instance. Click on the "Roles" field, set the Roles field to "sn_cmp.cloud_service_user" and save the changes on all of the above widgets. Attached screenshot for reference. 3. Now, impersonate as the user and access the cloud_user portal.4. Now check after this if you can see the wedges fine from cloud user portal and let me know how it goes.Note:- There are no relevant product documents that explain this behavior. Since the behavior is seen in the OOB instance cloud_user portal as well, need to check with the respective DEV team i.e., 'Dev-Cloud Management' to update/create a relevant PRODUCT DOC.