"Invalid function definition" error is displayed on some recordsIssue "Invalid function definition" error is displayed on some recordsCauseThis issue is at the sys_audit level. The script engine will just look for anything that starts with javascript:, which if in the Audit History, will cause the error. So we need to change the values of the audit records. We can remove a character, or add a character, or remove the keyword entirely:For example, a broken version in Audit: javascript:gs.getUserID();Option 1 - Add a character to the front: xjavascript:gs.getUserID();Option 2 - Remove the first character: avascript:gs.getUserID();Option 3 - Remove the "javascript" compenent: gs.getUserID(); This will be able to be done through a Background Script. You may need to trace down the customization that is adding this Audit History records.