AWS Cloudwatch alarm with multiple Dimensions does not set the "Resource" on the "Event" record correctlyDescriptionAWS Cloudwatch alarm with multiple Dimensions does not set the "Resource" on the "Event" record correctly. This seems to be due to the “Dimensions” on the Cloudwatch Alarm payload containing multiple items. This seems to be due to the “Dimensions” on the Cloudwatch Alarm payload containing multiple items. I think that the expected resource should be "i-xxxxx" but instead, "t3.medium" is used because it is the last item in that array. Ie."Dimensions": [{ "value": "C:", "name": "instance" }, { "value": "i-xxxxx", "name": "InstanceId" }, { "value": "ami-zzzzz", "name": "ImageId" }, { "value": "LogicalDisk", "name": "objectname" }, { "value": "t3.medium", "name": "InstanceType" }]Steps to Reproduce The customer created a HTTP Method to mimic the use case. The content is based on one of the events that we received. If you "Test" that REST Method, it will create an event which emulates the event from AWS.WorkaroundIssue fix in store app "Event Management Connectors" release 1.2 (released Dec 2020)!/store/application/ac4c9c57dbb1d090561b186c1396191a/1.2.0Related Problem: PRB1449149