Reference field to a Glide Date displays as YYYY-MM-dd HH:ii:ss instead of dd-MM-YYYYDescriptionA custom created table [u_committee_dates] contains a field of type Glide Date (u_date), which is referenced by the Demand table through two custom fields [u_first_committee_date] and [u_second_committee_date].When the same Date is added to both field, they display differently: u_first_committee_date YYYY-MM-dd HH:ii:ssu_second_committee_date dd-MM-YYYYThe display of u_second_committee_date should be (dd-mm-yyyy). The stored value is correct at XML and DB level, the issue is caused at the form rendition.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a custom table that has a Glide Date field.2. On a different table add two fields that reference to the date field created in step 1.3. Save and notice the values of the fields. Date displays with the time.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1452496