Texts typed in Work notes or Comments gets disappeared first time when switching between browser tabs from Agent WorkspaceDescriptionTexts typed in Work notes or Comments gets disappeared first time when switching between browser tabs from Agent WorkspaceSteps to Reproduce 1. Open Agent Workspace from the Application navigator module2. Open any existing interaction OR create one with the '+' button on the header3. If it is new, enter relevant mandatory details on the form4. Click on 'Create Incident' button5. On the incident form, scroll down to the Notes section6. Type some text on the work notes field7. Now switch to some other table. Maybe to the tab where the application navigator is present. It has to be of same SNOW instance window/tab8. Come back to the workspace incident form.9. Observe the Work notes fieldExpected: The typed text should be still presentActual: Texts are getting cleared from the fieldWorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. A quick workaround here is: (The workaround mentioned here is more of usability related workaround) 1. Type something in the description field.2. Click on any blank area within the workspace, or any field in the workspace.3. Navigate to a different tab.4. Click on the workspace tab again. The text is retained. Related Problem: PRB1453908