How are Score on Demand and averages calculated?Summary Script Include: Entity Scorer, takes the inverse of score for demand (ex. line 38) Avg demand score = (risk + size + value) / 3Demand end, the value = ROI; assessments include the value of the entityDemand script include = ROI "Financial Return" this is a scripted metric so this doesn't need an assessment. (Corporate benefit - planned cost); the planned cost is coming from the Capex + Opex. Financial return = total benefit - planned cost.> based on the result, the scaled result is determined. This is metric is referred to the ROI aspect. On the assessment side, this is considered the value where the demand average score is calculated.> Why does the scaled result create a label name? It's only created to be used for metric value in the financial return.> How the score value is getting created in the demand? Financial return won't directly impact the score field. Once the demand is submitted and changed to screen state, the assessment metrics are created. The OOB metrics (assessment metric type for demand), the scaled result isn't used on the demand its only used in the ROI to calculated where in the financial return would be determined.Once demand is moved to qualify state, the ROI value will be copied to the value for value in assessment data.Demand metrics is calculated as follows (from Entity Scorer): ((10-risk = risk) + (10-size = size) + value (a.k.a. = ROI)) *script lines 32-56 Additional Consideration: Business Rule; Compute Overall Score -- runs the script included for object EntityScorer.