Percent Calculation does not update when changing Planned End date values of Project Tasks (no Recalculation)DescriptionThis issue occurs when the date updates on a project task are not impacting the percent complete of its immediate parent and is only reproducible on FORM (compared to Project Planning Console)Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a Project2. Create 2 Project Tasks (P1, P2)P1 Planned duration: 20 days3. Create 2 more Project Tasks under P2 (child tasks P2a, P2b)*P2a Planned duration 1 day (e.g. Sept 1 -> Sept 1)*P2b Planned duration 1 day, but with a gap after P2a (e.g. Sept 30 -> Sept 30)4. Close P1 Project Task, Save5. Close P2a, Save*Note Parent Project Percent Complete6. Now, update the Planned start/end dates of P2b from Sept 30, to Sept 2. Now, P2a and P2b are STILL Planned Duration of 1 day, but P2 is updated to Planned Duration of 2 days7. See that Percent Complete does NOT update8. Update P2b Planned Duration to 2-3 days9. Percent Complete calculation changes This issue occurs when the planned date updates on a project task are not impacting the percent complete of its immediate parent. In the above case, date change on task P2b do not change the percent complete of it's immediate parent(P2) which has a percent complete of 50%. Such cases, Project engine do not rollup the percent complete above the immediate parent. Workaround1. Update Planned dates of project task via Planning Console. (Client-Side Planning must be enabled) *Updating planned dates of Project tasks on Planning Console runs the update/recalculate engine which updates parent Percent Complete values. Related Problem: PRB1420796