Windows OS - Servers pattern leaves a file behind getEC2Detailsv3.ps1 after executing Windows - AWS step 39.1 Get EC2 server details.DescriptiongetEC2Detailsv3.ps1 script file left behind after execution of Windows - AWS step 39.1 Get EC2 server details. CauseAt Step 39.1.2 the PUT getEC2Detailsv3.ps1 is executed and the file is put into c:\tempAfter executing steps 39.1.3. Retrieve EC2 Details and 39.1.4. Parse EC2 Details the file on the target host seems to be left behind in the temp folder and not cleaned upDiscovery Log shows put file on windows host where it got created but later was never cleaned up.Failover step to get EC2 Details PS Script2020-10-29 01:11:53: Executing WMI query on host: 10.x.x.x with namespace: root/cimv2 and query: Select AddressWidth from Win32_Processor2020-10-29 01:11:54: Query result:internal_namespace=root/cimv2 internal_classname=Win32_Processor __CLASS=Win32_Processor DeviceID=CPU0 AddressWidth=64internal_namespace=root/cimv2 internal_classname=Win32_Processor __CLASS=Win32_Processor DeviceID=CPU1 AddressWidth=64internal_namespace=root/cimv2 internal_classname=Win32_Processor __CLASS=Win32_Processor DeviceID=CPU2 AddressWidth=64internal_namespace=root/cimv2 internal_classname=Win32_Processor __CLASS=Win32_Processor DeviceID=CPU3 AddressWidth=642020-10-29 01:11:54: Attempting to Put file on Windows host 10.x.x.x filePath: E:\ServiceNow\MidServer\agent\work\uploaded_files\getEC2Detailsv3.ps12020-10-29 01:11:59: Put file on Windows host 10.x.x.x success, file location is c:\temp\getEC2Detailsv3.ps12020-10-29 01:11:59: setAttribute(ec2file,c:\temp\getEC2Detailsv3.ps1)2020-10-29 01:11:59: Execution time: 5969 msRetrieve EC2 Details2020-10-29 01:11:59: Executing WMI command on host: 10.x.x.x, command: powershell c:\temp\getEC2Detailsv3.ps12020-10-29 01:12:09: Command result:2020-10-29 01:12:09: Execution time: 10813 msParse EC2 Details2020-10-29 01:12:09: Executing WMI query on host: 10.x.x.x with namespace: root/cimv2 and query: SELECT Name from CIM_LogicalFile WHERE Name="c:\\temp\\ec2.json"2020-10-29 01:12:12: Query result:2020-10-29 01:12:12: Execution time: 2484 ms Resolution