The related Risk assessment is not in the Closed state when a Risk has been retiredDescriptionAdvanced Risk assessment currently has a defect that when you retire a risk, related risk assessments are not getting closed.Steps to Reproduce 1) Create Entire RAM set up like RAM, assessment types, factors. 2) Create assessment scope in my assessable entity for the entity class you created in step 1. 3) perform risk assessment on existing risk or create a new risk using create from library or new button. 4) later make the risk as retired. Expected: Related risk assessment should have been closed and results should have been effected the entities and risk statements Actual: Expected not happeningWorkaroundThis PRB has been fixed in the product and will be available as part of March release. It is having many files changes so we cannot provide any workaround. Customer has to upgrade to march release to get this fixed.Related Problem: PRB1444366