CMDB Health for Business Applications - CMDB Health - Completeness - Recommended Fields cannot be set if Application scope is in different scope to collection recordDescriptionUnable to add "Recommended Fields" Under Completeness for "Business Applications " TableSteps to Reproduce Browse to Filter Navigator => CI Class Manager => Search for Business Application => Click on Health -> Completeness => Click Recommended Fields => Move or select any field and click on Save.WorkaroundI was able to reproduce customer setup by setting scope for cmdb_ci_business_app sys_db_object and collection entries: - $ pbrun snow mysql-updatetable --task INT4882825 empswarnockp --table sys_metadata --set "sys_scope='65c1ca2cdbb2120091285411cf961963'" --where "sys_id IN ('22e856021b531010aa45b888cc4bcb14','a6e856021b531010aa45b888cc4bcb17')"- Once scope is set, clear cache. (gs.invalidateCache())-Issue can be reproduced OOB in this setup and is expected based on scope of records and definition of table field on cmdb_recommended_fields- Fix applied setting attribute allow_public=true that this fixes the issue.Related Problem: PRB1450736