Unable to add "Recommended Fields" Under Completeness for "Business Applications " TableIssue Unable to add "Recommended Fields" Under Completeness for "Business Applications " TableReleaseParisCauseAs per OOTB I could not add "Recommended Fields," to 'Global' scope or APM Scope. Refer to the screenshot. The below documentation implies with reference to the 'Global' scope and does not specify in the documentation that the 'SCOPE' has to be selected/changed.https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/madrid-servicenow-platform/page/product/configuration-management/task/t_MakingAFieldRecommended.html The collection record scope was changed in a previous caseTherefore creating an issue saving the recommended fields as they were in a different scopeOOB it does not matter if you are in global scope or APM scope as long as the collection is in the same scopei.e. if the collection record and cmdb_recommended_fields > Business Application record are in different scope breaking the selection.If the scope is different you cannot select the records because the table is not visible.ResolutionFix applied setting attribute allow_public=true - see documentation: https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/paris-platform-administration/page/administer/reference-pages/concept/c_DictionaryAttributes.html https://empswarnockp.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_dictionary.do?sys_id=5be79eca1b131010aa45b888cc4bcb06 Confirmed that this fixes the issue. Related LinksSteps to reproduce Browse to Filter Navigator => CI Class Manager => Search for Business Application => Click on Health -> Completeness => Click Recommended Fields => Move or select any field and click on Save.