Discovery failing on linux servers: Relation and/or reference table cmdb_ci_linux_server is not a known CI Type on step "Ref/Rel Linux Serial"Issue Trying to discover a linux server, get error on step Ref/Rel Linux Serial: Relation and/or reference table cmdb_ci_linux_server is not a known CI Type. Check the discovery logs for more details. MID server logs like this when debugging with mid.log.level set to debug: Worker-Interactive:PatternDebuggerProbe-b3d3fd161b2f9090a436bbb1cd4bcb3d (27)DebuggerPatternExecutor - Starting step: [name='Ref/Rel Linux Serial', functor=MergeTableReferenceAndRelationClosure:REFERENCE_AND_RELATION:cb5984e4-08fb-42d8-a04e-fc28e2d99c4e] Worker-Interactive:PatternDebuggerProbe-b3d3fd161b2f9090a436bbb1cd4bcb3d SEVERE *** ERROR *** (27)MergeTableReferenceAndRelationClosure - Relation and/or reference table cmdb_ci_linux_server is not a known CI Type. Check the discovery logs for more details. Worker-Interactive:PatternDebuggerProbe-b3d3fd161b2f9090a436bbb1cd4bcb3d (27)DebuggerPatternExecutor - Finished Step [name='Ref/Rel Linux Serial', functor=MergeTableReferenceAndRelationClosure:REFERENCE_AND_RELATION:cb5984e4-08fb-42d8-a04e-fc28e2d99c4e] with status [{type = FAILURE, cause = com.snc.sw.exception.ConfigurationException: Relation and/or reference table cmdb_ci_linux_server is not a known CI Type. Check the discovery logs for more details.}] execution took 0 ms Worker-Interactive:PatternDebuggerProbe-b3d3fd161b2f9090a436bbb1cd4bcb3d DEBUG: (27)PatternDebuggerProbe - ==== Debugger step execution failed: Relation and/or reference table cmdb_ci_linux_server is not a known CI Type. Check the discovery logs for more details. You check the pattern and the step exists and when testing the step in pattern debug it throws the same error. ReleaseAnyCauseThe pattern my not be in sync with MID server. ResolutionSync the patterns with the MIDs by going to the MID server table and clicking "Pattern Sync to MID".