Inactive variables are displaying in the task variable editorDescriptionIn the catalog item, the variable is showing as inactive but still it is showing in the catalog task editor.Release or EnvironmentParisCauseIn your instance for the catalog task variable editor , UI macro "com_glideapp_questionset_default_question_editor" has been used . UI macro "com_glideapp_questionset_default_question_editor" for the catalog task variable editor which is not supported UI macro for catalog task variable editor. Hence the inactive variable is displayed in the catalog variable editor.ResolutionAs per the OOB (out of box) we need to use OOB UI (user interface) Macro "com_glideapp_servicecatalog_veditor" for the catalog task UI formatter to display catalog task variables in the catalog task variable editor. Once we reverted the OOB UI macro for the catalog task UI formatter, inactive variables are not displayed in the Catalog task variable editor.