AIX Server pattern not able to populate hostname including the domain partDescriptionAIX Server's hostname by default is retrieved from DNS. Refer to: can then decide if the hostname should include the domain part by setting the property "glide.discovery.hostname.include_domain" to true.Refer to: is working using Probe. If you switch to pattern, AIX Server pattern is currently ignoring this "glide.discovery.hostname.include_domain" property and the hostname will not have the domain part.Steps to Reproduce 1. Set the property "glide.discovery.hostname.include_domain" to true in sys_properties table.2. Run discovery on AIX server.3. Observe the created CI's hostname does not contain the domain part.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. If you can not wait until then, you can do the following: Open AIX Server pattern in Pattern Designer mode.Navigate to Pattern Tab - Pattern Text section.Add the following piece of code right before AIX - Identity step (this is reference step to other library): ========= step {name = "Get DNS name from cmdb_ci_dns_name table"if {condition = eq {get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"}"true"}on_true = set_attr {"DNSName"eval {"javascript: var rtrn ='';var table =${cmdb_ci_dns_name};var ip=${computer_system.managementIP};for(var i=0;i< table.size();i++){var map=table.get(i);if(map.get('ip_address') == ip){rtrn =map.get('name');break;}}rtrn = rtrn;"}}on_false = nop {}}}step {name = "Set name to hostname if should include domain is true"if {condition = all {is_not_empty {get_attr {"DNSName"}}eq {get_attr {"shouldIncludeDomain"}"true"}}on_true = set_attr {"cmdb_ci_aix_server[*].name"get_attr {"DNSName"}}on_false = nop {}}}=========Related Problem: PRB1447187