Indicators with Time unit with SUM Aggregate show an incorrect score of 99,999,999,999,999999 miliseconds (1157 days 9 hours 36 minutes) instead of the correct score.Issue Some indicators are showing an incorrect score of "1157 days 9 hours 36 minutes" on widget/analytics hub for indicators, that have a SUM aggregate on duration field. The correct score/value should be more than "1157 days 9 hours 36 minutes" but the score seems to be not showing this. The pa_scores table too shows the incorrect score as 99,999,999,999,999999 CauseThe reason for this value on the scores is due to the limit on the value field on the pa_scores_l1 table which can store only up to 18 digits (11 digit and 7 decimals) When the indicator score like with the Time unit is calculated in milliseconds and stored in the table as a final score. When this SUM aggregated score for the indicator goes beyond this 99,999,999,999.9999999 value it will default to this limit instead. ResolutionTo correctly show the scores, change the unit on the indicator as "Days" and re-run the job. When the collection recollects the scores with Days as unit, the score saved will be a smaller digit (already ms converted to days) and will be well within the 18 digit limit of the value field. Please ensure to run a historic collection in order to reflect the older scores for the indicator as well.