In Orlando, embedding a video from video library into HTML field using the Insert/edit video option results in the video not playableDescriptionEmbedding a video by uploading from video library using the Insert/edit video option in an HTML field results in the video being non-playable in Orlando release.Steps to Reproduce 1. Open a knowledge record where workflow is in draft or create a new knowledge article2.1. Right click on the "Article body" field then choose Configure dictionary and add the following attribute html_sanitize=falseOR2.2. Add the following into the HTML_WHITELIST section of the script include HTMLSanitizerConfigvideo: {attribute:["width", "height", "controls", "autoplay", "loop", "muted", "poster", "preload", "src"],attributeValuePattern:{}},source: {attribute:["type", "src", "media", "sizes"],attributeValuePattern:{}}3. Open the knowledge article record from step 1 then click on the Insert/edit video button. Ensure the Type is set to "Video Library" then choose a mp4 video and click on Upload then OK4. Publish the knowledge article5. View the article and try to play the videoExpected behavior: Embedded video should playActual behavior: Embedded video does not playWorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1444590