Knowledge feedback comments with special character are showing HTMLDescriptionWhen adding a comment in an article with special characters like ' or " for example its showing correct in the portal and application. However in the Knowledge feedback comments with special character are showing HTML <p>you're</p> <p>"ll"</p>Steps to Reproduce 1. Open a knowledge list view and open one published KB - (kb_knowledge.list)2. Scroll down the form and click on "View Article". This will show the published view.3. In the comments field, enter the characters &, @ or ' and click on "Comment"to save it. {see screenshot CS5254129 Article view - comment}4. Return to the KB form5. Check the related lists -> Feedback tab for the comment entry. Notice in the comments field- the characters have been as follows encoded {see screenshot CS5254129 Form view}:& to &@ to @#64;' to @#39WorkaroundThis is because KB view pages or Portal supports HTML comments, however same kb_feedback.comments is used in other places where feedback is a string instead of HTML. We store both types of comments in this comments field which is of type string. This is by design. Viewing the record in platform form would show exact value as it is stored. However on view pages these are handled to show them as rendered.Related Problem: PRB1446273