Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns RollBack/Uninstall Table of Contents OverviewReview the current "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" Pattern Version.Uninstall the "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" PluginRollBack the "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" PluginInstall or Upgrade the "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" PluginAdditional Information Overview It has been observed that the Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern version releasing every month with enhancements, sometimes its also observed that once upgraded to the latest version some of the existing configuration broken and need to be fixed. If for any reasons the business cannot wait for the investigations and fix to be provided by the Developers, it is recommended to Rollback the Pattern to the older version and try to reproduce the issue in a Non-Prod instance and then test to upgrade. This article explains the difference between the "Discovery and ServiceMapping" pattern RollBack/Uninstall. Review the current "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" Pattern Version. Login to the instanceNavigator >> Go to ""Search for "Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns"Note the Version Uninstall the "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" Plugin Login to the instanceNavigator >> Go to ""Search for "Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns"Note the Version If the version is 1.0.69 or below, the related list contains the below optionsClick uninstall the version the warning will display saying it cannot be uninstalled due to dependencies. (Note: There is no rollback option)It is not recommended to uninstall the plugin RollBack the "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" Plugin Navigator >> Go to ""Search for "Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns"Note the Version If the version is 1.0.70 or above, the related list contains the below optionsThe Rollback is a new enhancement starting from 1.0.70Click RollBack and Accept to rollbackThe procedure to rollback would take 5 to 10min, and the version would rollback to the previous plugin version It is recommended to Rollback the version as per the necessity Install or Upgrade the "Discovery and ServiceMapping Pattern" Plugin Refer: Upgrade the Store Release Application Plugins (Patterns and CMDB) Additional Information Refer for the latest version of the plugin: Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns release notes