New Shazzam outputs are getting created from the previous Shazzam input and are stuck in processing in ecc_queueIssue --New Shazzam outputs are getting created from the previous Shazzam input and are stuck in processing in ecc_queue.--We created a stack trace and from the stack, We could see the new Shazzam is being triggered from the input from the previous Shazzam. However, it creates another shazzam probe with what seems to be the same parameter and a agent correlator which does not exist. So, the shazzam is looping. check if the discovery schedule is deleted while it was running.ReleaseAnyCauseCause for the Shazzam being looped is because we believe a schedule was deleted while a discovery was being run.ResolutionTo stop this loop, please ask the customer to: 01. Stop the Mid server used during the Discovery run.02. Find all processing shazzam probes for that mid server from the ecc_queue table.03. Set all such probes found above to state = processed.04. Navigate to:<mid_location>\agent\work\monitors\ECCSender\05. There should be one or more folders with name starting with "output"06. Delete the files inside this folder07. Start the MID server.