Approvals are skipped for the change approval policy activity.Issue There is an change approval policy activity where we can define the policy definition with definition and answers.Issue is when the change request is raised the approvals are skipped for the change approval policy. Steps to reproduce:1.Create a workflow where there should be a wait for condition activity after the begin activity.2.The conditions for the wait for condition activity should be 'state is assess'.3.Now add the set values activity as next step to the wait for condition where the state should be set to authorize.4.Thenafter add the change approval policy activity as a further step to the set values activity.5.Create a policy definition with decision as state should be authorize then set the answer as a particular group which is active and has valid users.6.Assign the newly create policy in the change approval policy activity under the policy field.7.Then add the end activity for the approved path.8.Now raise a change request and set the state to assess.9.Check that the approvals are not created and change approval policy activity is showing the state as skipped.CauseWhenever the next activity has the same conditions where the previous activity is trying to set in the database then these types of issues occurs where the database commit for the update can take a second delay.In the above scenario as the set values activity is setting the state to authorize and the very next activity is also having the same condition to trigger the change approval policy activity is failing with the policy decision.ResolutionAdd a timer activity with 2-5 seconds of time in between the Set values and the change approval policy activity.As the timer activity is added the workflow will wait for 2-5 seconds of time where the database update would be committed and the state would be changed when the change approval policy activity is triggered.Related LinksCheck if the group where the approvals need to be sent to the users are active.Check if the policy decision is meeting the condition.