Error Messages Logged: Requested URI does not represent any resource: : no thrown errorIssue It is noticed that the following message is seen in the system logs: Requested URI does not represent any resource: <URI string>: no thrown error What does this message mean and what can be done about it?If the issue is with /sn_dt/v1/dynamic_translation/is_enabled, please do not use this KB and refer to KB1550490 -Dynamic translation's enabled behavior does not check for plugin installationReleaseApplies to any release.CauseThere is an inbound to the instance Web Service call where the URI used is not one of the standard out of the box Web Service APIs and is not defined as a Scripted REST or Scripted SOAP Web Service.ResolutionServiceNow support can find the incoming IP address(es) of the Web Service call that is causing the error. It is likely that the HTTP response code will be an HTTP-400. To resolve the issue either: (1) Stop the Web Service calls from the incoming IP address(es). (2) Define a scripted REST or scripted SOAP Web Service that will handle the incoming request based on the URI and Method being made by the call. This is the documentation on Scripted REST and Scripted SOAP Web Services: Scripted REST APIs Scripted SOAP web services