Using Condition Builder on a table List view to create a query (queryString)SummaryYou may need to pass a queryString to list items filtered by indicator, breakdown, or other Performance Analytics object. This query string consists of a set of object sys_id's. Getting these sys_id's individually is not convenient. However, you can get them by creating a query on the appropriate table through the Condition Builder. The example in this article is a queryString to return a list of Targets filtered by indicator. The query will be made on the Target values [pa_target_values] table. The indicators are listed in the Target field on this table. ReleaseThese instructions should apply to all releases and environments.InstructionsNavigate to the list view of the relevant table.In this case, the table is Target Values [pa_target_values]Click the filter icon to open the Condition Builder.Select the column that corresponds to the Performance Analytics object whose sys_id's you need.In this case, the column is Target. This column is a reference field from the Indicator column on the Targets [pa_targets] table.Select the logical operator, which probably is "is".Select the first object you want to filter on.Click "OR" and select the next object. Repeat this step until you have selected all objects.In this example, you have selected the indicators Number of open incidents, Average age open incidents, and % of new critical incidents.Click Run.Right-click the filter conditions and select Copy query.If you are dot-walking to the table with these objects, paste the query into a text editor. Append the name of the reference field in the table you are querying to each object and copy the edited query.In this example, we are getting the query directly from the pa_target_values table and do not need to dot-walk. However, as this is a reference field for the Indicator column on the pa_targets table, we could instead have constructed the query on that table. This would have been necessary if we had wanted to include indicators that do not currently have targets, for example. In this case, the copied query would look like this:indicator=fb007202d7130100b96d45a3ce6103b4^ORindicator=88a0b602d7130100b96d45a3ce61030cAnd we would have to append the string target. to each indicator reference:target.indicator=fb007202d7130100b96d45a3ce6103b4^ORtarget.indicator=88a0b602d7130100b96d45a3ce61030cPaste the query where you need to use it.In this case, the query string is target.indicator=fb007202d7130100b96d45a3ce6103b4^ORtarget.indicator=88a0b602d7130100b96d45a3ce61030c