Canonical URL Missing From kb_article_viewIssue The canonical URL cannot be verified in the knowledge_article page source. The generateCanonicalURL function has already been defined in SPSEOHeaderTagsArticleView.CauseThe SEO tags are implemented to be added only when the content is viewed in guest mode and not in the logged-in user mode because google will be able to view content open to unauthenticated users only.ResolutionMake the kb_article_view page public and match the kb_article_view page to the SPSEOHeaderTagsArticleView SEO script with the steps:1. Navigate to Service Portal > Pages > kb_article_view2. Check the box to make the page public3. For SEO Script select: SPSEOHeaderTagsArticleViewValidate the solution with the steps:***Validation needs to occur in an unauthenticated session. Please perform the steps without signing in***1. Navigate to kb_article_view page of any article2. Right click the page > View page source3. Search on the canonical url prefix