Create Team in Graph API returns BadRequest: Unable to read JSON request payload. Issue When attempting to Create Team using the Graph API, the action results in the message: "code": "BadRequest", "message": "Unable to read JSON request payload. Please ensure Content-Type header is set and payload is of valid JSON format.", This is also present when using the OOTB payload from Create Team in a REST client such as Postman. The default payload being used is: Method "PUT" Headers [{"attributes":{"omit_if_empty":false},"name":"Content-Type","value":"application/json"}] Payload { "memberSettings": { "allowCreateUpdateChannels":, "allowDeleteChannels": , "allowAddRemoveApps": true, "allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs": true, "allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors": }, "guestSettings": { "allowCreateUpdateChannels": , "allowDeleteChannels": }, "messagingSettings": { "allowUserEditMessages": true, "allowUserDeleteMessages": true, "allowOwnerDeleteMessages": true, "allowTeamMentions": true, "allowChannelMentions": true }, "funSettings": { "allowGiphy": true, "giphyContentRating": "Strict", "allowStickersAndMemes": true, "allowCustomMemes": true } } ReleaseOrlando Patch 7ResolutionResolved this by limiting the payload and making a change to the endpoint used as follows:Modified (working) Create Teams:Method "PUT"Endpoint:${groupID}/teamPayload{"memberSettings": {"allowCreatePrivateChannels": true,"allowCreateUpdateChannels": true},"messagingSettings": {"allowUserEditMessages": true,"allowUserDeleteMessages": true},"funSettings": {"allowGiphy": true,"giphyContentRating": "strict"}}