<h2>CPU Manufacturer value is not discovered for AIX servers</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"><article><div ><h3 >Issue </h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>CPU Manufacturer value is not discovered for AIX servers</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Release</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>All</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Resolution</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>For "<strong>IBM - AIX</strong>" and "<strong>HPUX</strong>" and "<strong>Solaris-Spark</strong> (which is no more available)", have their own <strong>CPU Manufacturers</strong> and their <strong>BIOS</strong> system does not showcase what that information is, as per their proprietary rules.<br /><br /></li><li>This is by design from the hardware manufacturer, and it is a limitation.<br /></li><li>"<strong>IBM-AIX</strong>" is the only manufacturer of its own hardware and hence, it is not possible for using any other hardware and install AIX operating system on that.<br /><br /></li><li>It has to be the case that AIX Operating system and the hardware has to be coming for the IBM only.<br /><br /></li><li><strong>IBM Power</strong> is the AIX architecture which is not <strong>x86</strong>.<br /><br /></li><li>For any <strong>x86</strong> based operating systems, CPU Manufacturer information can be collected and if it is not x86 based and if it is coming from the organization hardware, Servicenow discovery will not be capturing the CPU manufacturer.<br /><br /></li><li>Hence, "CPU manufacturer" information is not included as part of the data collected during AIX discovery, as this is a limitation from the AIX end.</li></ul></section></div><div ><h3 >Related Links</h3><section><ul style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>In few scenarios, though CPU Manufacturer is not pulled from the device during the discovery, yet we observe that CPU Manufacturer is updated with the same value as that of CPU Type.<br /><br /></li><li> The logic behind the same is as below<br /><br /> <ol style="list-style-position: inside;"><li>Script Include "<strong>ProcessorDefinitionsUtils</strong>" is responsible for processing/updating the CPU data<br /><br />https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/sys_script_include.do?sys_id=e5d6bd6847902000cdd1706eecde274d&sysparm_view=&sysparm_record_target=sys_script_include&sysparm_record_row=1&sysparm_record_list=scriptCONTAINScpu_manufacturer%5EORDERBYname&sysparm_record_rows=3<br /><br /></li><li>If we observe the field, "CPU Manufacturer", it can be observed that the value in this field is being referenced in the "core_company" table's "Name" field (Click on the "i" next to the CPU manufacturer to open the record in the "core_company" table).<br /><br /></li><li>From the below piece of code on the above mentioned script include, it can be observed that the "name" from the "core_company" table is being taken from the "manufacturer_name".<br /><br />_getManufacturerSysId : function(manufacturer_name) {<br />if ('' === manufacturer_name)<br />return '';<br />var ccq = new GlideRecord('core_company');<br />ccq.addQuery('name', '=', manufacturer_name);<br />ccq.query();<br />if (ccq.next())<br />return ccq.sys_id;<br />return '';<br />},<br /><br /></li><li>The value of "manufacturer_name" is obtained as below from the mentioned script include<br /><br />var manufacturer_name = this._findManufacturerNameInCPUinfo(cpuInfo);<br />pd.manufacturer = this._getManufacturerSysId(manufacturer_name);<br /><br /></li><li>The value of "cpuInfo" is derived as below from the mentioned script include<br /><br />_harvestProcessorDefinitionFromComputer : function(computer) {<br />var cpuInfo = computer.cpu_type.toString();<br />if ('' === cpuInfo)<br />cpuInfo = computer.cpu_name.toString();<br />if ('' === cpuInfo)<br />return null; // We've nothing to determine processor_name.<br /><br /></li><li>So, on observing the above points 3, 4, and 5 in a reverse order, it can be inferred that "cpuInfo" brings the "manufacturer_name" which is nothing but the "cpu_manufacturer" and there by referenced as name in the "core_company" table.</li></ol> </li></ul></section></div></article></div>