Chat Actions besides "Transfer" and "End Session" will be missing if there are any duplicate Connect Action TitleIssue Chat Actions besides "Transfer" and "End Session" will be missing if there are any duplicate Connect Action Title. Log in as admin in session A.Go to Chat Setup.Set all Fulfiller UI to "Connect".Go to Virtual Agent Support queue and start a Chat session: https://<instance_name>$ in as David Loo in session B.Click Accept Chat in the Connect Support.You can see the Chat Action "Create Incident" besides "Transfer" and "End Session".Click to open Connect Action "Create Incident" in session A.Select "Insert and Stay" on Form Menu. A new Connect Action "Create Incident" is created. Refresh the page in session B. No Connect Actions besides "Transfer" and "End Session".Can see "ngRepeat:dupes" errors in the browser console logs. Change the Title of the newly created Connect Action to "Create an Incident" in session A.Refresh the page in session B. Can see the Chat Actions "Create Incident" and "Create an Incident" besides "Transfer" and "End Session". CauseDuplicate Chat Action Title.ResolutionDo not use duplicate Title in Chat Actions.