How to disable/hide encryption popup for attachments on a catalog form in Service PortalIssue The user sees the popup window below when he/she tries to attach a file to a catalog form starting from the Paris release if the user has an encryption context associated with his/her account. The popup window appears by default if the user has an encryption context assigned. This is the expected behavior.ReleaseParis and UpCauseThis is the expected behavior starting from the Paris release and the encryption popup appears for the users, who have an encryption context associated only. However, you may want to disable/hide the popup even for the users, who have an encryption context.ResolutionThe popup functionality is controlled by the "spAttachmentUpload" Angular Provider script. Please see the "sp_angular_provider_db3ff9dddb231010faabf031ba96194a.xml" file attached. 1. Go to the "sp_angular_provider" table in your instance and import the "sp_angular_provider_db3ff9dddb231010faabf031ba96194a.xml" file into the table (Verify it has been updated correctly). 2. Then go to the "Service Portal > Widgets" and find your catalog item widget. It is the "SC Catalog Item" by default if it is not changed. Open the "SC Catalog Item" widget. At the bottom of the page, you will see the "Angular Providers" related list. Please click the "Edit" button to edit the list. Add the "spAttachmentUpload" script to the list and save it. 3. In the catalog item widget client controller, add this line 2: $window.g_has_encryption_context = false; Note: The Ticket Conversation also has a pop-up, had the same Angular provider to it, and ensure the client controller contains the "$window.g_has_encryption_context = false;" line 2.Related LinksKB0859835 - Encryption pop-up on attachments in portal with Paris release