Resolving a problem is not resolving the associated incident.Issue Resolving a problem should resolve a related incident if the incident state is "On Hold" and the On Hold Reason is "Awaiting Problem" but the issue is the related incident to the problem is not resolved if the problem state is set to resolved. Steps to reproduce:1.Create an incident.2.Use the context menu action to create a problem record from the incident.3.Set the incident state to on hold, fill the on-hold reason and submit the form.4.Now change the problem state to assess by clicking the assess UI action.5.Then change the problem state to root cause analysis by clicking the 'confirm' UI action.6.Change the problem state to fix in progress by clicking the UI action 'start fix' and also enter the cause notes and fix notes.7.Click on the resolve UI action and check if the problem state is set to resolve.8.Check if the related incident state is also set to resolve where it shows that state is still in onholdCauseThere is a state model created for the incident table where the resolved state can be set only from "in progress" or "new" state. As the state model is not allowing to set the state to resolved from on hold the script action update is not being shown in the incident form. Check if the state model and state transition are present for the incident with the below process:1.Go to the main homepage and enter the state model in the filter navigator.2.Open the module where we can find the state model records for all the tables in the instance.3.Check if there is any state model for the incident table.4.Open the state model record for the incident and check the state transition for resolved.5.Now, check the enter conditions for the resolved state transition.ResolutionChange the incident state transition conditions for resolved such that the incident can be set to resolved from on hold as well.Conditions change for the state model are the enter conditions field should be changed as "state is 'new' or state is 'in progress' or state is 'on hold'".Related LinksCheck if the business rule 'Raise an Event when State Changes' is customized.Check if the script action 'Update Incident when Problem closes' is customized.Check if the choices value for the state field in the incident as changed.