If a comment is added with a rating on a knowledge article, it is not updated in the knowledge feedback in the platformIssue If a comment is added with a rating, it is not visible on the ServiceNow view for knowledge articles, and therefore replies can not be sent. Comments with no ratings will appear when viewing the article on the ServiceNow view, but now when a rating is added.CauseThis behaviour is by design. In an out-of-the-box situation you can't create records with both a rating and a comment. In Service Portal for example it always creates separate records, one for the rating , another one for the comment. I can only reproduce this by going to kb_feedback.do and create the feedback record manually.The reason why you only see this in a live feed (as opposed to in the kb_article record) it because the live feed looks at the table live_message, not kb_feedback. But these records are not created in this table.ResolutionThere are three solutions:1) Change the widget so you don't create requests with both a rating and a comment2) Turn off glide.knowman.use_live_feed, so the feedback looks directly at kb_feedback3) Write a Business Rule to create a record in live_message when a record is created in kb_feedback:table: kb_feedbackInsert: trueFilter Condition: Rating is not empty AND Comment is not emptyScript:(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) {var groupID;var grProfile = new GlideRecord('live_group_profile');grProfile.addQuery('document', current.article);grProfile.query();while (grProfile.next()) {groupID = grProfile.sys_id;}gs.addErrorMessage(groupID);var grLM = new GlideRecord('live_message');grLM.message = current.comments;grLM.group = groupID;grLM.insert();})(current, previous);