Qualys Host List Integration account being created in instances after a clone & upgradeIssue After cloning prod over sub-prod and then upgrading to Paris we can see a new "Qualys Integration" record for "Qualys Host List Integration"Resolution"Qualys Host List Integration" record created is a default for Integration in Paris install. Our documentation for "Qualys Host List Integration" provides the following:From our Paris documentation we can see that "Qualys Host List Integration" is a default integration record. (you can see paris in the URL and under the title when you open the doc)https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=c_QualysVulnIntegration.html&version=latestFrom our Madrid documentation this is also a default integration yet it starts with "Version 9:..." (Version 9.0: Qualys Host List Integration)https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=c_QualysVulnIntegration.html&version=latestWith this being said, if you clone an instance to a sub-prod prior to Paris and then upgrade that to Paris, the plugin will then add a "Qualys Integration" record for "Qualys Host List Integration"