Tag-based service family not showing up all tag-based candidates due to CIs with empty status (install_status)Issue User has configured CI Tag Categories, Tag-Based Service Families and related tagged CIs however upon clicking "View Service Candidates", not all service candidates are listed.ReleaseFrom ParisCauseThis issue happens when there are CIs with empty install_status. The query to bring all the CIs where the status (install_status) is not set to one of the install_status, defined in the exclusion list, does not return CIs with empty install_status. Note that depending on the CI Class, Discovery may not populate the install_status field by default, please check the Discovery documentation for the list of fields populated by Discovery for the CI Class part of the service family.ResolutionApply the attached update sets to fix this issue.Related Linkshttps://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=fine-tune-tag-mapping.html&version=latest