In CMDB tables, Auto numbering field is not working properly when combined with pre-filled value from List filterDescriptionWhen we use list filter for a field that is using auto numbering (e.g. = javascript:global.getNextObjNumberPadded()); for example: cmdb_ci_business_app - Number field; and then click New, we prefill the field's value with list filter's value. This is fine for normally editable fields like Company or Caller, but we should respect the form settings for non-editable fields like Number.Steps to Reproduce Go to cmdb_ci_business_app table in list view.Filter the Number field using right-click and show matching.After the list is refreshed, click the New button.Observe that the Number field is prefilled with the same number/string you selected.This field should use the next sequence unique number/string instead of the prefilled value from step 4.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. If you can not wait until then, you can add attributes: "ignore_filter_on_new=true" in the sys_dictionary record of that Number field. Related Problem: PRB1431792